欧盟对华新关税将最终投票 德国业界人士呼吁合作而非对抗丨世界观

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  (ECNS) -- As the European Union's vote on imposing more tariffs on China-made electric vehicles (EVs) looms, opinions among different automakers and countries are divided. Recently, Marten Rauschenberg, CEO of the AsiaBerlin Summit, emphasized the importance of cooperation rather than confrontation in an interview with China News Network.

  Using the automotive industry as an example, he pointed out that in a globalized world, the number of joint ventures is steadily increasing, and the components of a single car are often produced by multiple countries. Additionally, there is immense potential for cooperation in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence and traffic analysis. Thus, global innovation partnerships are crucial for the development of the automotive industry. (Zhao Li)



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等君回 V 游客 沙发
受中新网采访时强调,德中间有很多合作机会,各国合作才能共赢,对抗没有未来。  他以汽车产业为例指出,在全球化背景下,中外合资企业不断涌现,一辆汽车的零部件往往由多国生产。此外,各国在人工智能和交通分析等前沿科技领域的
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魅眼 V 游客 椅子
es are divided. Recently, Marten Rauschenberg, CEO of the AsiaBerlin Summit, emphasized the importance of cooperation rather than confro
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瞳孔旳丶太阳 V 游客 板凳
ch as artificial intelligence and traffic analysis. Thus, global innovation partnerships are crucial for the development of the automotive industry.
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脑子里有个泡 V 游客 凉席
Thus, global innovation partnerships are crucial for the development of the automotive industry. (Zhao Li)
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你没说只爱我 V 游客 地板
iew with China News Network.  Using the automotive industry as an example, he pointed out that in a globalized world, the number of joint ven
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小小ご酥 V 游客 6楼
他以汽车产业为例指出,在全球化背景下,中外合资企业不断涌现,一辆汽车的零部件往往由多国生产。此外,各国在人工智能和交通分析等前沿科技领域的合作潜力巨大。因此,全球的创新合作对汽车产业发展,至关重要。(赵丽)  (ECNS) -- As the European Union's vote on
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项保英 V 游客 7楼
steadily increasing, and the components of a single car are often produced by multiple countries. Additionally, there i
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彻底脱轨 V 游客 8楼
e automotive industry. (Zhao Li)
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爷ζ猖狂 V 游客 9楼
机会,各国合作才能共赢,对抗没有未来。  他以汽车产业为例指出,在全球化背景下,中外合资企业不断涌现,一辆汽车的零部件往往由多国生产。此外,各国在人工智能和交通分析等前沿科技领域的合作潜力巨大。因此,全球的创新合作对汽车产业发展,至关重要。(赵丽)  
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匿名用户丶 V 游客 10楼
lds such as artificial intelligence and traffic analysis. Thus, global innovation partnerships are crucial for
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闪现进哥哥怀 V 游客 11楼
e development of the automotive industry. (Zhao Li)
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最后一颗心。 V 游客 12楼
nnovation partnerships are crucial for the development of the automotive industry. (Zhao Li)
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你太渴望 V 游客 13楼
s immense potential for cooperation in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence and traffic analysis. Thus,
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清笑歌 V 游客 14楼
发展,至关重要。(赵丽)  (ECNS) -- As the European Union's vote on imposing more tariffs on China-made electric vehicles (EVs) loo
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